
A peaceful way of gardening.

Today I gave a presentation about my ‘do-nothing’ approach to managing pests in the garden. Actually, it’s not an idle approach but rather a quite carefully considered way of gardening.

I think of this as a peaceful way of gardening. I don’t do ‘pest management’. I don’t fight pests or disease, but instead observe and work with nature to create a ‘cultivated ecology’ – an ecological balance in the garden that is resilient.  I do not use any sprays or traps – natural or chemical.

I work to create healthy dynamic soil environment that supports healthy robust plants, and I invite many helpers into the garden that will help to keep the balance.

I rely entirely on design, diversity, soil health, creating habitat for pest predators, lots of hardy perennials and selecting seasonal locally adapted varieties of vegetables.  

The talk captured here on was delivered at a Brisbane Library as part of Brisbane City Council’s Learning for Living series.  A couple of friends kindly filmed the session for me and put together this clip…