Building a great community vibe in tiny rural towns takes so many forms – such as getting to…
A lovely article about my permaculture lifestyle, homeschooling approach and sustainability education programs was just printed in the…
My 9 year old daughter ran her second pop-up cafe today – the Owls Den Cafe. It was…
The local artisan baker taught my kids how to make sourdough bread and gave them a starter –…
Exploring hands-on science, enjoying real food, immersing ourselves in urban agriculture and nature play, teaching free permaculture workshops…
Although my kids live in and love their permaculture garden, I still need to be creative with ways…
Children designed and made an ecovillage at Crystal Waters Permaculture Village this Saturday. They immersed themselves in design thinking…
All afternoon people from around our ecovillage community and beyond were dropping by our carport to visit Maia’s…
Birthday parties are usually rife with waste – cleaning up a mountain of things like disposable plates, cups,…
Around the world, people are realising how important it is for children to play outside and in nature.…