Have you ever wondered how to become a permaculture teacher? What about working towards to creating your livelihood from home? This masterclass is all about doing just this.
It possible to earn a living as a permaculture educator. I have taught around the world for over 25 years. It’s always been my ‘real job’. I absolutely love it!
Take a listen to the in-depth masterclass where I talk about:
- How to become a permaculture educator. You will learn different pathways to become a teacher too.
- Finding a permaculture mentor. You will learn ways to go about finding a mentor. Finding a mentor is valuable in developing your permaculture education skills.
- How to build permaculture teaching experience. The best way to become a great teacher is to teach. You will start to think of lots of ideas of how to build your teaching experience.
The Permaculture Educators Program can be completed with your current commitments, and you can begin designing and teaching as you study.
How to become a permaculture teacher
Click on the video below to watch the masterclass.
It’s a great time to start this course
Have you ever contemplated making permaculture a way of life and livelihood? This course is a great opportunity to focus, learn, connect, practice, research, be mentored and experience permaculture. This course is:
- comprehensive and in-depth course curriculum
- very flexible to fit around your life
- multi-media – films, presentations, podcasts, information, references …
- international – people from around the world and a wide range of climate zones
- professional
- aimed at helping you make a real living from permaculture
- personal mentoring
The feedback from current students has been extremely positive. I have been teaching permaculture now for over 25 years on 5 continents. I love permaculture teaching and I am excited to have the opportunity to share what I know with you in this flexible and accessible way.
Other things you might like to know about this course:
- it is very practical and action focussed – you will finish the course with a great permaculture design and deeper understanding of your place, and have started teaching permaculture workshops
- it includes 43 clear modules delivered weekly from the time you register
- each module is designed to take 2-3 hours
- the course is online, you can access the course from anywhere, anytime
- there is no expiry date – you will have unlimited access to the course materials
- you can work at your own pace (minimum time 43 weeks – no maximum)
- the course is spread over 10 months. This allows you the opportunity for practical application, reflection, refinement, collaborations, experimentation.
- you work in your own place and community for your projects
- there is a friendly international group of participants who support and inspire each other, share ideas and resources – from many parts of the world and different climate zones
- there is a lively Facebook community (a private group for all students past and present)
- meet-ups are organised by students who live near each other. Practical garden projects are high on the list of activities.
- we have regular Q&A sessions
- monthly masterclass are based on topics chosen by the participants
- some participants weave this knowledge into their current work, others create a whole new livelihood through it
- Your can submit questions that will be answered
- you have an opportunity to travel (and other places) as a student teacher and/or volunteer to gain valuable experience

I look forward to the opportunity of working with you as you learn and refine your permaculture design and teaching skills.
If you want to find out more about how I teach and write, you can take a look at Our Permaculture Life Youtube Channel and browse my blog.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me on morag@permacultureeducationinstitute.org
Hope to see you in the course!