Dive into a vast collection of free permaculture resources to help you get your permaculture life and edible gardens thriving with global permaculture educator & ambassador, Morag Gamble.
Merry Christmas and my very best wishes to you all.
It has been an exciting year for us and I am so delighted that so many of you have joined me from around the world on the new Permaculture Education Institute online permaculture program.
Thank you
Now we are in East Africa until the end of the year supporting local permaculture teachers and permaculture programs for women and children in need. Thank you so much for your generous donations to support these programs.
Best wishes for 2019
When I get access to more constant internet, I can’t wait to share with you so many stories, conversations and project updates.
I look forward to chatting with you all in the new year.
Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Merry Christmas and our very best wishes for 2019.
With Love,
Morag and all the team at Permaculture Education Institute, Our Permaculture Life and Ethos Foundation