Tom Lakere is the latest recipient of the Permaculture Educators Course Scholarship! Over the past 18 months, we…
My name is Morag Gamble and I am the founder of Ethos Foundation – a permaculture charity that…
My feet are really in need of some loving care. I love barefoot gardening and wearing open shoes.…
Why do I live a simple permaculture life? How am I debt-free? Why do I unschool with permaculture…
In my new Permaculture Life series of one day workshops I look forward to sharing practical skills for…
WHAT IS BIOCHAR? “Biochar may represent the single most important initiative for humanity’s environmental future. The biochar approach…
Education of a different kind, for the whole person, for a positive and peaceful, ecological future is what…
Hundreds of seedballs were flung across the Ethos Farm today at the Ethos Farm Crystal Waters Permaculture Village…
A lovely article about my permaculture lifestyle, homeschooling approach and sustainability education programs was just printed in the…
Children designed and made an ecovillage at Crystal Waters Permaculture Village this Saturday. They immersed themselves in design thinking…