
Make your own Turmeric Latte

Starting in Asia around 2000BC, turmeric has been used in medicine, as dyes, in festivals and how we know it – as a fantastic spice!

No wonder it’s stayed in cultures around the world for thousands of years, it’s delicious. And what a beautiful golden colour!

I don’t know about you, but when I’m not drinking coffee I do love a good turmeric latte! This plastic-free July, I decided to experiment with making my own from the garden.

Especially in winter for subtropical Australia, now is the time to be digging up your turmeric in the garden. You’ll know it’s ready when the leaves are starting to die off.


Without further ado, here’s how to make your own homegrown turmeric latte:


  • A root of turmeric
  • A bit of ginger
  • Milk/mylk of your choice (homemade or bought)
  • Honey/stevia/maple syrup/preferred sweetener
  • Cinnamon/any other spices you like

(As you can see, I’m a big lazy with the quantities. I just go with what looks & smells right.)



  1. Grate turmeric and ginger into a mug
  2. Heat up your milk/mylk and pour it in
  3. Add a dash of something sweet
  4. Sprinkle a bit of cinnamon – yum!


It’s that easy! This way, there’s no need for packaged turmeric mixes.

I find that the fresh ingredients are so much stronger – and are much healthy microbiotically.

What’s your favourite DIY recipe for a hot drink in winter?

To learn more about growing a permaculture gardening simply and easily, check out our course The Incredible Edible Garden and learn how to design your own permaculture landscape in our Permaculture Design Course.

Learn permaculture with Morag Gamble

Hi! Welcome back to my garden, it’s Morag Gamble from Our Permaculture Life and the Permaculture Education Institute. And it’s almost the end of plastic free July.

 And every day, we’ve been talking about a different way that we can

actually get rid of single-use plastics in our life. And one of the things that often comes into our home are packages and even packages of healthy foods and beverages.

So I wanted to talk about Turmeric, because Turmeric is something that I absolutely love to have in so many dishes. But also I’ve been really enjoying it, particularly at this time. Well, it’s winter here, Turmeric Lattes. So I spoke earlier in one of the previous sessions, and I’ll put a link below about how to make your own milk from either sort of nuts or seeds. And you can blend that with your own Turmeric that you get from your garden. So it’s the best time to be digging up Turmeric as well. You can come out and get sections of Turmeric, wash that off and just grate that or pound it into your drink and you can get some ginger as well. Some just fresh ginger, so ginger Turmeric some kind of seed, or nut milk that you make yourself.

Maybe a little sloop of honey, and if you’ve got a sprinkle of cinnamon it’s absolutely delicious. So you know, lots of things we can grow in our own garden, and make ourselves and just simply by shifting a little bit about what we’re doing. Get rid of so many single-use plastics.

So join me tomorrow for the last plastic free July tip in this whole series, and don’t forget though you can always check them out. I’ve got all of them put up onto youtube. You can go and check out all of the different ones there. So I’ll put the recipe below for my Turmeric Chai Latte, and if you’ve got another recipe too that you use for making beautiful wintry drinks out of fresh Turmeric. Pop them down below and share them as well. That would be fantastic! All right, I’ll catch you tomorrow for the last day of plastic free July, bye!