
How to grow and use Pineapple Sage

Have you had the delight to meet Pineapple Sage (Salvia elegans)?  This is such a delightful plant with many uses. It grows as a perennial plant in temperate and subtropics, but an annual in cooler climates.

The leaves and flowers make a great tea – recommended I hear to help treat depression. It is also a great nerve-calming tea you can drink when stressed or if you want to have a good night’s sleep. Or just some tea to enjoy after dinner. Harvest the flowers and simply put in a pot. You can dry them too.

Both flowers and leaves can be added into salads and cocktails. Pineapple sage is excellent for making all types of drinks whether hot or cold. The nectar is really tasty too right from the base of the flower! My kids love it, so do I!

Aesthetically, it is a beautiful plant to have in your garden. The flowers of pineapple sage are such a bright red.

Another thing I love about welcoming Pineapple Sage into my garden is that is a great habitat that attracts bees and butterflies. around. Birds love it, too. Even a top choice for hummingbirds (although not here in my Australian garden!). 

Check out my youtube video below about Pineapple Sage. I talk about the many uses of pineapple sage and also how to propagate it which is really EASY to do.

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