I was recently interviewed by the American podcaster, Mike Podlesny for his award-winning Vegetable Gardening Show which has over 250,000 subscribers around the world. You can listen HERE.
Mike and I had such a fun time chatting. This is actually the second time we recorded this interview. The first recording was deleted when his office was hit by lightning the night we recorded it! I think this second take was better, so lucky really …
Mike Podlesny is a 3rd generation gardener and author of the book “Vegetable Gardening for the Average Person: A Guide to Vegetable Gardening for the Rest of Us“. He has been featured in many newspapers, magazines and blogs across the United States. His website http://www.AveragePersonGardening.com and his blog http://averagepersongardening.blogspot.com/ are visited by thousands of aspiring vegetable gardeners on a daily basis. Mike Podlesny is also a regular contributor to many websites and blogs and is currently the administrator for the largest Vegetable Gardening page on Facebook.
It’s worth checking out Mike Podlesny’s podcast . He has hundreds of episodes now and amongst these interviews are many interesting people and topics.
Interview Topics
During the interview Mike and I talked widely around many topics including:
- What does a sustainable society look like?
- Designing food landscapes and how other cultures benefit.
- What are some steps you can take to build a sustainable permaculture home garden?
- What are the challenges that you will face when you set up a permaculture home garden?
- Turning your food garden into a food forest
- Perennial and polycultural gardens right at home.
- Learning about permaculture from indigenous people.
- Building the soil structure in a permaculture home garden.
- Talking about the food that is in your garden that you didn’t even realise was there.
#358: Why You Should Build a Sustainable Home Vegetable Garden Permaculture (Morag Gamble)
Learn More
Learn more about my way of growing abundant food with ease in my 6 week course, The Incredible Edible Garden Course. Registration is now open.